Member Information Update
We love to recognize birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other milestones in the lives of members of the St. Mark’s family. Please help us to keep our church membership records up to date.
Kindly print and fill out this form then return it to the church office. Please print clearly.
Member Update Form
Baptism – Gateway to the Family of God
Holy Baptism is administered once to each person, usually as an infant. Baptism is a pledge of repentance and obedience to divine will. It is a sign that the person has been reborn into a new family, the Church. Each candidate for baptism is sponsored by one or more baptized persons.
Sponsors of infants, godparents, present the child and take vows on behalf of him or her. Sponsors of adults and older children present their candidate pledge their intentions to support him or her by prayer and example in the Christian life.
Click on “Forms” then “Planning Your Baptism” below for additional guidelines.