St Mark's Logo
Our Mission

St. Mark’s is a diverse, family-oriented parish serving the greater Plainfield community in New Jersey. As Christians, we believe that, as we emulate the principles of the life of Jesus, we are able to become the best that is humanly possible. Our worship on Sunday is the central focus of our life together. We celebrate with the Eucharist and we nourish our souls with the Sacrament and inform our lives with the Word.

We strive to build a church that cares about people. We care for the moral, spiritual and total well-being of each individual who we see as unique and precious. We emphasize spiritual growth over social fulfillment and the importance of stewardship, giving of our time, talent and resources, for the spread of God’s Kingdom.


The Rev. Angelo S. Wildgoose

Office: 908-754-9483
Email: [email protected]

The Vestry

Kyle Matthews – Senior Warden
Leigh-Anne Cobb – Junior Warden
Lolita Agard
Jennifer Blair
Beverly Blenman
Lynette Bourne
Denise Cross
Dr Inez Durham
Fred Ellis
Chelsea Ferguson
Sherrod Trueheart 


Parish Administrator: Kemper Lee Mitchell
Treasurer: Wilbert Gill
Assistant Treasurer: Fred Ellis

Our History

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church was born out of another Episcopal church in Plainfield, Grace Church. Like many other predominantly African American Episcopal congregations, the mission that would later become St. Mark’s Church was founded after a group of members felt unwelcome in their church. Thirteen brave souls had enough of being treated as second class members, being forced to worship in the basement and having to use the chalice labeled “For Coloreds.” They walked out to form their own church and carve out their own destiny. That was over 110 years ago.

St. Mark’s went on to face many challenges and emerged as a strong and vibrant congregation serving God’s people in and around Plainfield in spirited worship and through a myriad of meaningful ministries. Click here to read more about the interesting journey that has brought us to be the church we are today.

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